Good Life Anywhere

Good Life Anywhere

About the Good Life, currently (2023) a mother and teenage son on the road in Asia and Australia


I love to travel. Absolutely love it. It challenges me, makes me whole, relaxes me and shows me the beauty of this world, and sometimes it’s opposite .( Blogpost after my travels in 2004 ). If I learned one thing in all those years it is that living a good life is a universal desire. Wherever I’ve been, I saw and learnt that basically we are all the same.

‘“The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that’s wrong with the world.” (Paul Farmer)

I also learned along the way that a good life can and must be pursued anywhere. Regardless of where you are. Travelling or not. Hence the title of this website: Good Life Anywhere. Living a good life is a personal journey, and this is my English webpage about that journey. (Dutchies can have some extra content @ ).  There will be a lot of travel posts on this site. For example the last year (2022-2023), the year in which I travelled with my 11 year old son Kick: Asia and Australia

Good life is more than travel though, and what brings fulfillment may vary from person to person. For me travel is a huge part of it. But also my hobbies and profession. So in the future I will expand. The site is always a work in progress. Just like life..


Our Travel 22-23 on Polarsteps:



*We are on the road, still speaking a lot of dutch: 🇳🇱 so for cobbledegook-natives: and *

Our Travel 22-23 on Polarsteps:

Polarsteps Asia (22-23):

Polarsteps Australia 23:

Returning home

Returning home after a year-long travel adventure is like returning to a parallel universe where everything looks familiar but feels slightly off. The excitement of...
Read More "Returning home"

Kick Verbeek’s blog

After almost a year of fulltime travel i can only say there is one person in the family who keeps the blogging honours (in...
Read More "Kick Verbeek’s blog"

About us:

Marjos (mum, me) was born somewhere at the end of the sixties in the southwest of the Netherlands, where the seas are high and the dunes are low. I grew up close to the sea, and far away from all things mundane.

At the tender age of 17 I left home for studies, first Business Adminstration. After pocketing my diploma I figured a year in Salamanca , Spain would be a great idea, (which it was). And well, speaking spanish combined with a longing for sun and sea equals Caribbean of course.

There I picked up a life long love for scuba and other sorts of diving. I was restless though: I had a feeling that I wasn’t who i could be, so I returned to Amsterdam to start Medical School. During Medical School I also ran into a nonmedical bug: Travel.

First some USA, but soonish also all kind of Central America and Carib, and lots of Eastern and Southern Africa en Australia. Before the clinical part of my education (so before i could see firsthand what happens to people who do it) i picked up another longer lasting habit: Motorcycling.

Time to head to the Himalaya. On a motorbike. The notorious Enfield was tamed, and also most of the Tata Trucks on my way. In 2009 I became an anesthesiologist, and got on the bike, #havegaswilltravel, i cruised to Mongolia, came back, did some medical volunteering in Tanzania (i hope you speak Dutch) , but eventually I started my fellowship Pain medicine.

In 2011 I registered, and started to work professionally as an Anesthesiologist-Pain Specialist. I immediately could head to my bosses’ office to ask for another leave, this time a maternity one: In january 2012 a beautiful baby boy was born. We named him Kick, a regional dialect for Cornelis.

The following years were dedicated to life: son, hobbies, and work. The itch never went away. So now (’22), even after some misheap and with a world in (viral) turmoil , it still is time again. To travel. But now not solo anymore. Mother and son. Marjos and Kick. Travelling.

Travel.. our next chapter: #havesonwilltravel #goodlifeanywhere

Returning home

Returning home after a year-long travel adventure is like returning to a parallel universe where everything looks familiar but feels slightly off. The excitement of...
Read More "Returning home"

Kick Verbeek’s blog

After almost a year of fulltime travel i can only say there is one person in the family who keeps the blogging honours (in...
Read More "Kick Verbeek’s blog"

Drop a line if you want

    Lifelong travels by Marjos

    Most recent: The 22-23 Adventures of a Mother with Wanderlust: From Enfield Sidecar to Aussie Campervan” Join me and my adventurous teenage son as we embarked on an extraordinary journey through the breathtaking landscapes and...

    Our Travel 22-23 on Polarsteps:

    Links to ‘Polarsteps' to watch where we’ve been

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    Returning home

    Returning home after a year-long travel adventure is like returning to a parallel universe where everything looks familiar but feels slightly off. The excitement of reuniting with friends and family quickly dries up when you realize they haven’t been on the epic roller coaster ride you’ve just been on. Suddenly, …